
My Flare-orite Kendall + Kylie Denim, Size tips, and more.

My Flare-orite Kendall + Kylie Denim, Size tips, and more.

When Seattle is being moody and you have nothing prepared for the miserable weather. Kendall + Kylie have the answer.


When I am in hurry/no idea for what to wear, I always go for denim because they are so easy to match with. A basic white tee, your favorite boy (Chanel) and sneaks, BAMM girl you look great. 😎
Today I wanted to get a little fancier than usual and wore a platform heels matching these flare overalls.IMG_2163 (1)Lately I have been digging into flares and boot-cuts, they are quite similar except that they are a couple inches difference from the knee to the leg opening. I personally like my flares in jeans and boot-cut in pants so then my legs get more rooms but still have that ultra slim look.
Most people avoid getting flares and I think they just haven’t found the right pair yet! I instantly fell in love with them(you just know it once your zip that-pper up). If you are a petite(5’4 or under) like me, flares would help draw the eye upward and make you look taller. Here’s a Guide to Wearing Jeans for Petites if you want to learn more! (choice of color & wash are very important too!)

Every store has their own weird size conversion and that confuses me all the time!  I was so happy that I could fit in a 23″ when I first try on these overalls. But no mercy, the Jenner’s 23″ is a U.S. standard 24″.
*sigh* demand for bumbums🍑width="1440"

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