Travel & Food

Sweet Nothing

Sweet Nothing

Bon appetit. Let me take you out for some cherry pie!

You’ve been warned, I am a HUGE fan of classic films. Been scouting for vintage restaurants and record stores in Seattle and look what I found! This little hidden spot is called Twede’s cafe, in North Bend, a small town in East Seattle.

For those of you live in south or downtown area, it might be a little journey for you to get there. Believe me, you won’t regret it (& you’ll get unlimited refill on fries with any meal order).
Joey doesnt share food!! It’s okay I am not Joey come here🤗.

Nothing a white wall can’t solve. If you are following me on Instagram, you may noticed that I have been digging into Gingham style. (And of course, never miss an Off-the-shoulder session) This is a wrap top I got from Revolve , simply pair with denim shorts, or skinny jeans would give you a chic and summery look. I wouldn’t say this is the top rated outfit for dates, but I wouldn’t say why not? (I would prefer wearing a dress ‘cus that gives me more of a feminine and lady look)

Catch up L.A. folks we got cool walls here in Seattle too!👅

Where off next? I really need that glowy tanned skin!


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