Travel & Food

Wine Therapy: Peju Vineyard

Wine Therapy: Peju Vineyard

Caution: You’re now entering the secret winery indulgence, a restricted area where the lips are loose and classified information flows freely.
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Oh I’m sorry that was such a cheesy entering (see what wine does to me).
When bottles are good like these, you just have got to keep yourself busy with stick crackers to maintain your soberness on good level.
For those of you are aware of high carb intake like me, have a quarter bite for every pac you drink (one pac=15ml).
And make sure you are tasting the lights, the mediums, and the smokiest ones from your tongue to deepthroat! #notfilthy
When Fifty/Fifty claimed to be the top notch and best selling in all Pejus, I am not giving up my zips on Merlot, just yet!
Athena’s meat wine converter:
Merlot 2013 = Prosciutto
Love me some fig sauce💞
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Never miss a mirror selfie sesh.

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Tell me what is your favorite bottle and get me a case! *Greedy & no shame*

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